Moll Society Members Meet and Greet
Newsletter rachel pelaia Newsletter rachel pelaia

Moll Society Members Meet and Greet

Join us following each worship service on Sunday, September 29, to meet some of our Moll Society members and consider joining these faithful friends. And know that I, Rev Dan, or any member of our Endowment Committee would welcome the opportunity to meet with you and learn how you meet Jesus Christ in the midst of your story.

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Koinonia: Faith & Fellowship
Newsletter rachel pelaia Newsletter rachel pelaia

Koinonia: Faith & Fellowship

The Discipleship Committee, which is best known for facilitating the Advent & Lenten studies and Disciple studies, has been hard at work developing a new ministry that will provide ongoing faith development opportunities. Although plans are still very much in the infancy stage, the excitement for this new ministry is such that the committee wanted to give YOU, the congregation, a sneak preview of the plan.

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General Conference Report
Newsletter rachel pelaia Newsletter rachel pelaia

General Conference Report

“It’s all about the story. We exist to help people meet Jesus Christ in the midst of their story.” That is our focus for RRUMC. That is what will always unite us as a congregation no matter where people stand on any given issue. - Rev. Daniel F. Bogre

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Endowment Ministry
Newsletter rachel pelaia Newsletter rachel pelaia

Endowment Ministry

The endowment of Rocky River United Methodist Church is an investment fund established by the initial gift from Theo and Belle Moll. The fund has grown through both diligent fiscal management and the generosity of church members and friends who have given to the endowment.

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