Backyard Missions
by Roy McKinney
The task was removal of an apple tree at Story Church. Daniel Tookman was the first to arrive and worked all day. Tommy Valore (church custodian) hauled three truckloads of limbs and helped chainsaw. Herb Harpster came to the rescue with extension limb cutters and cut he did. Mark Bacon brought the chainsaw and work ethic and plowed ahead. Mark Duval, from Armored Motorcycles, brought saws, knowledge, and two sons, McKennan and Wyatt, who were all instrumental.
Nick Brumbaugh helped pull the tree down, chopped limbs, and loaded the truck. The apples and debris were raked up and Tommy was left with several more loads for the next day. The side yard at TBFS will now be completely available for the backpack giveaway and block party for the community.