Upward Basketball and Cheer
Allows K5 to 6th grade to learn about God while also learning great basketball and cheerleading skills.
Game Day Signups
Jan 11- https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0A49A5A622A4FCC61-54155498-1112025
Jan 18- https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0A49A5A622A4FCC61-54159337-1182025
Jan 25- https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0A49A5A622A4FCC61-54159604-1252025
Feb 1- https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0A49A5A622A4FCC61-54159684-212025
Feb. 8- https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0A49A5A622A4FCC61-54159856-282025
Feb. 15- https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0A49A5A622A4FCC61-54159920-2152025
Feb. 22- https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0A49A5A622A4FCC61-54160086-2222025
Mar. 1- https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0A49A5A622A4FCC61-54160190-312025
Upward is back for the 2025 season!
Who: Kindergarten/5 years to 6th grade
Cost: $160 per player and cheerleader for early registration. The price goes up to $200 on November 20, 2024.
Scholarships are available upon request. Contact Quinn Bennett at qbennett@rrumc.org
What’s included: Full uniforms for Basketball and Cheerleading (poms also included). Please use this sizing guide to order player uniforms and coach shirt.
Important Dates
Registration opens at 10/1/2024 at 8:00 am.
Practices start the week of 12/9/2024
Games start 1/11/2025 and end 3/1/2025
11/11 (6-7:30)
11/12 (6-7:30)
11/13 (6-7:30)
11/14 (6-7)
11/19 (6-7 MAKEUP NIGHT)
Picture Day 1/25/25 (tentative)
Upward Celebration will be on 3/2/2025
You can now follow us on Twitter for the latest updates on registration, practices, games, and more!
We are excited to expand our program this year to start practices earlier, allowing kids more time to learn skills before the first game!
Upward strives, whenever possible, to have teams that are closely matched in height and skill level to provide the best experience for all players and cheerleaders. For that reason, we are generally not able to accommodate requests to be on the same team as friends. However, we recognize that there are times when a player or cheerleader would benefit from being on a particular team or a particular practice night. Because the goal is to have closely matched teams, we CANNOT guarantee that special requests will be granted. To the extent that you would like to make a special request for your player or cheerleader, please do so using this special request form.
Where can you help? We need volunteers every week to make Upward a success.
The following areas need volunteers: coaches, referees, concessions, devotion leaders, and game announcers.
Please contact Daniel Rittgers if you are willing to help in any way at upwardrrumc@yahoo.com.