Thank you congregation for contributing 114 blankets on Blanket Sunday!
Guidebook and Directory Update
Mission Zone Monthly Collection
Inviting All Singers
Food Donations Needed
Connections in Caring Needs You!
Thank You For Giving So Much
Twice Blessed Free Store Gives 825 New Toys
Walk to Emmaus
Mission Zone Monthly Collection
Get Your Children Involved in Reverse Advent!
Now Hiring: Special Needs Assistant
Rocky River United Methodist Church is seeking a Special Needs Assistant for their VIP (Very Included People) ministry. Requirements are: to have a Christ-like spirit of acceptance with warmth and conviction and an ability to work as part of a team to support all involved with this ministry.
The assistant will help the Children’s Ministry Director with children with special needs during the various Sunday school programs each week; identify goals and integration strategies with the children, parents and staff for participation; and ensure there are appropriate transitions between activities.
The position is part time, approximately four hours per week (9:15AM-1:15 on Sundays) plus an additional twenty hours the week of vacation bible school (June 24-28, 2019).
Interested candidates should send a cover letter and resume to:
Amanda Bekeny
2019 Upward Basketball & Cheer Registration
Music Ministry Positions Available
Here at RRUMC, we are looking to expand our music ministry team!
Below is the position available. Please read over the job description, then apply by clicking the Apply Now Button.