What an incredible year we’ve had here at TBFS and Story Church! I want to take this opportunity to thank everyone who has played such a vital role in our success this year!
Defining what you would like to accomplish and how your legacy will impact others takes careful thought and consideration. Here are some questions to consider for estate planning purposes as you are collecting and preparing your tax information:
Join us on Saturday, May 22, from 9am-1pm as we clear out the “junk” and on Sunday, May 23, from 1:30- 5:30pm to do a thorough cleaning of the church building.
For the rest of 2020, donations will only be accepted one week of each month. Donations will be accepted from 9:30am-4:00pm at RRUMC on October 5-8, November 2- 5, and on November 30-December 3.
The season of giving has arrived and last year, Twice Blessed Free Store handed out over 800 brand new toys so local children in need could have a special Christmas and we need your help again this year!
Cleveland ranks second in poverty rates of large U.S. cities and number one for children under the age of 18 who live in a household that is under the poverty threshold.