Ukraine Refugee Support


In the March Circuit Rider, we mentioned the March 27 UMCOR Sunday offering which goes to support the administrative costs for the United Methodist Committee on Relief (checks made out to “RRUMC” with “UMCOR Sunday” in the check memo line). As the war in Ukraine continues, UMCOR is now collecting money to directly support refugee needs in Ukraine. You can donate online to contribute to this effort (please give credit to RRUMC as your church when asked) or by writing a check to “RRUMC” with “UMCOR Advance #982450-Ukraine ” in the memo line.

TBFS Supported Refugees

Twice Blessed Free Store was delighted to participate with the students at Kinsner Elementary School in Strongsville during their clothing drive to assist the Ukrainian refugees arriving in Poland. As a result of this congregation’s and the local community’s support, we were able to send numerous boxes of gently used adult & children’s clothing, along with shoes and diapers, to assist those in dire need.