Upcoming Bible Studies

The theologian Charles Spurgeon once wrote, “Bible study is the metal that forges a Christian.”

Usually, this time of year, I ask “Is this the year that you will begin to take seriously the essential nature of Bible study?” Instead, let’s make it a statement. This IS the year! Because every year should be the year.

In responding to the needs expressed by many of our regular study attendees, in addition to the in-depth long term studies, we will also offer regular, more laser focused short term options.

Below you will find information on upcoming studies. You can read further information and preview materials for studies by stopping at the sign-up table before leaving worship. You may also sign up through the church office.

If you’re not quite ready to commit but have some interest and maybe a few questions, PLEASE reach out to Pastor Paul (pbennett@rrumc.org) and he would enjoy talking with you.

Disciple I is a 24 week study that allows you to read, discuss, better understand, and apply the majority of the Bible while building transformative community with fellow students. This class will meet on Monday evenings at 6:30pm beginning on September 20.

Disciple II is a 24 week Bible study that continues the Disciple journey, focusing on Genesis and Exodus, Luke and Acts. Participants must have completed Disciple I. This class will meet on Monday evenings at 6:30pm beginning on September 20.

30 Days to Understanding the Bible is a five session overview of the Bible and its core teachings presented in bite-sized pieces. This class will meet on Thursday evenings at 6:30pm beginning on September 2.

Short term studies coming later in the year (also Thursdays at 6:30pm) are: “Mysteries of the Messiah”, “1 Peter: A Living Hope in Christ”, and “A Case for Christ.

We hope you will join us and be transformed by the power of the Word!