Leave a Legacy

by Lisa Sierk, Director of Endowment Ministries

The Theo and Belle Moll Society was created to celebrate and honor those who have remembered Rocky River United Methodist Church in their estate plans.

If you have remembered RRUMC in your estate plans, but have not yet been recognized as a member of the Moll Society, please reach out to me at lsierk@rrumc.org or 216.926.1702 (mobile – call or text)

Lisa Sierk, Director of Endowment Ministries

Lisa Sierk, Director of Endowment Ministries

For those who are considering or would like information about remembering RRUMC in your estate plans, I welcome the opportunity to connect with you. With your help, together we can ensure that we continue to help people meet Jesus Christ in the midst of their story long into the future.

I so appreciate those of you who have taken the time to meet with me, and welcome this time, whether it is by phone, ZOOM, or socially distanced. Please reach out to me at LSierk@rrumc.org or 216.926.1702 (call or text).

I look forward to hearing from you!

Lisa P. Sierk
Director of Endowment Ministries