Endowment Ministries

by Lisa Sierk, Director of Endowment Ministries

Have you defined your estate plan?

Lisa Sierk, Director of Endowment Ministries

Lisa Sierk, Director of Endowment Ministries

As you know, at RRUMC, those who remember the church in their will or estate plan are members of the Theo and Belle Moll Society.

Last year, two of our kind members joined the Society – unfortunately posthumously as they had not informed us of their intentions.

Whether you wish your name to be included on the list, or published as anonymous, we hope you will let us know so that we can honor your generosity and commitment to the future as we continue to help people meet Jesus Christ in the midst of their stories.

And, whether or not your estate plan includes RRUMC, or even if it hasn’t yet been created, I welcome the opportunity to meet with you and learn more about your experience at RRUMC and how you meet Jesus Christ in the midst of your story.

Please reach out to me at lsierk@rrumc.org or 216.926.1702 (mobile – call or text).

I look forward to hearing from you!
- Lisa