The Vital Benefits of God-Given Water

by Gayle Donahue, MSN, RN

How much water did you drink today? Water is an essential part of healthy life every day and in all seasons.

Gayle Donahue, MSN, RN

Gayle Donahue, MSN, RN

Thirst is not always the first sign of dehydration. Often we will recognize hunger and fatigue before thirst. The aging process decreases our sense of thirst.

Some chronic diseases and medications also affect our ability to conserve water. We must be proactive and remember to drink plain water during the day.

God has been very generous with us and provided us with living water for both body and soul. The Wellness Journey Continues groups will provide the support to keep your healthy life style on track.

There will be two weekly opportunities for four weeks starting Monday, March 18. Jeanette Lihani will facilitate the morning group and the evening facilitator will be Lisa Thomas. Jeanette and Lisa are planning great discussions and devotions shared around a healthy recipe with samples for all.

As you drink each physical glass of water today, consider how God is also filling you with living water. Isaiah 44:3b-4; 58:11; John 4:10.

Looking forward to seeing you at Conversations of Health,
– Gayle