Witnessing for Dummies: “Busting Through Barriers”
No matter how committed we are to sharing our faith, most of our witnessing endeavors take a long time to produce any fruit, if ever.
Witnessing for Dummies: “Know Their Story”
It is always going to be very difficult to get people to listen to our story if we do not first know theirs.
Witnessing for Dummies: “Know Your Story”
Regardless of our background, knowledge base, or level of expertise, if we are followers of Christ, we are meant to share our faith.
Pray and Work
On this Labor Day weekend we celebrate the American worker. We celebrate their drive, determination, and passion for the job, whatever that job might be in their life.
Complete Joy: “Uncontainable”
How will you discover that joy that is already within you so that too get to a point where you can longer contain it?
Complete Joy: “A Hidden Treasure”
We will look at how people reacted after encountering Jesus in some incredible life-changing way. Did they have a temporary joy or was it a joy that carried them for a lifetime?
Complete Joy: “It's A Miracle”
We will look at how people reacted after encountering Jesus in some incredible life-changing way. Did they have a temporary joy or was it a joy that carried them for a lifetime?
Complete Joy: “Always Chasing…”
What is the difference between earthly joy and the complete joy that Jesus is talking about in this text today?
Stuck in a Rut: “You Have To Let Go of Something"
Rev. Dan F. Bogre will continue the sermon series, Stuck in a Rut, with the sermon, “You Have To Let Go of Something,” based on Mark 7:1-8.
Stuck in a Rut: “Less is More"
Rev. Dan F. Bogre will continue the sermon series, Stuck in a Rut, with the sermon, “Less Is More,” based on John 3:22-30.
Stuck in a Rut: “Can You See the Light of God?”
The 8th Sunday after Pentecost and Communion Sunday. Lynn Gorton, CLM will continue the sermon series, Stuck in a Rut, with a sermon based on Acts 9:1-16.
Stuck in a Rut
The 7th Sunday after Pentecost and Communion Sunday. Pastor Paul Bennett will begin the sermon series, Stuck in a Rut, with a sermon based on Mark 10:46-52.
He Walks With Me: Home!
How do the Monarch butterflies find their way back to Mexico year after year? They don’t have Waze or Google Maps. What they do have is an internal drive to find their way home at all costs. God has given us that same drive of the Holy Spirit in all of our hearts to always long for home. Come home!
He Walks With Me: Hometown Boy
The people in Nazareth knew Jesus his whole life and for that reason they just could not see him as the long-awaited Messiah. Just because they believe that does not keep him from being God’s one and only Son. They had a choice to walk with him that day. They chose to walk away. What will you choose?
He Walks With Me: Don’t Make Me Come in There!
Happy Father’s Day! Pastor Paul Bennett is preaching from Luke 24: 14-32.
He Walks With Me: Has anything really changed?
Are you walking with God? Are you the reason that the whole world is still worth it?
He Walks With Me: All is not lost
Why is it human nature to have everything and still want more or something other than what we already have? It is because of the decision we made in that beautiful garden so long ago. BUT, “All is not lost.” There is still hope.
Love’s Diverse Demands
One of the notions seemingly all Christians can agree on is the importance of sharing God’s love with others. This is encouraging considering Jesus Himself uplifts it as the second greatest commandment.
“RUACH”: Visions and Dreams
Are you dreaming God sized dreams and seeing visions that can only be seen through God’s eyes? Come, Holy Spirit, come.
“RUACH”: Visions and Dreams
We are not just supposed to have visions, but we are to have visions of what God wants us to see for us and the world. Are you dreaming God sized dreams and seeing visions that can only be seen through God’s eyes? Come, Holy Spirit, come.