FOMO: Missing out on what?
The word FOMO means the fear of missing out. The question is, fear of missing out on what? What is it out there that is so wonderful that I am afraid that I am missing out on it?
Fundamentals: This is amazing!
Are people amazed because they knew you before and now they know you after? This week is the fundamental of living amazing. What does that look like for you?
Fundamentals: Out with the Old, in with the New
Beginning a new life means reinventing ourselves and leaving the old us behind forever.
It does not mean that we are free from doing the hard work that it takes to get well, but it does mean that we cannot save ourselves.
Fundamentals: The Starting Point
This month we are working on the fundamentals of our faith. In order to do that we need to know where we are starting from to begin that journey. The best part about the starting point is that we are not there long before we see incredible growth and life.
The Heart That Grew Three Sizes: The Heart That Grew Three Sizes
Worship with us at our Christmas Eve services! How much will your heart grow this Christmas, and will it be for just one day or for a whole lifetime?
The Heart That Grew Three Sizes: When Joy Is Our Song
How can we make joy our song of life? How did God send joy on that night in Bethlehem?
The Heart That Grew Three Sizes: When Light Shines
Third Sunday of Advent and Cantata Sunday. Pastor Paul Bennett will be preaching.
The Heart That Grew Three Sizes: When Christmas Isn’t Christmas
Does our current Christmas and the way we celebrate it still point to the Christ child?
The Heart That Grew Three Sizes: When Everything Is Wrong
Let’s look at the Grinch, Mary and Elizabeth to try and find that answer.
Have you had that moment when you have finally realized that Jesus Christ always has been, always is, and always will be with you? If not, how and why are you missing it? Let’s tell a ghost story to draw us to that light bulb moment in our own lives.
GHOST STORIES: Jesus in a box
Is the Jesus you have stuffed in that tidy little box the Jesus you want, or the Jesus you need? Many times they are two totally different people. One may even look like a ghost.
GHOST STORIES: The HAND writing is on the wall
How is God reaching out to us in the midst of our lives to help us avoid pain, suffering, bad decisions, and hurt all around us. Are you seeing and reading the HAND writing on the wall?
How many times has life had me in what felt like the fiery furnace? Let’s gather round the campfire and hear this ghost story.
GHOST STORIES: On the Side of the Angels
Rather, He beckons us to always stand in the right by choosing His side. What does this principle look like if we apply it to the world we live in today? Let’s discuss!
Trees: Look Out
LOOK OUT, because Jesus is about to do something amazing with the people you have called down from the TREES!
Trees: Look in the mirror
Are you observing faith as it walks by or are you living in it? This week we want to all LOOK IN THE MIRROR so that we know who we in order to know whose we are.
Trees: Lock Eyes
This week is about what we must do to LOCK EYES so the person knows that they are known. How can we intentionally engage those in the trees in our lives?
Trees: Look Up
In this month’s “Trees” sermon series we are asking for you to see it through the eyes of Jesus, as if you were walking side by side with him on that road.