Seven Words: I am thirsty
The one who was thirsty is the only one who can truly quench our thirst. Come and drink from the well that never stops welling up within us.
Seven Words: Woman, here is your Son
The family Jesus calls us to engage first and foremost are those we find standing alongside us as we look up from that very place we’ve spent the entirety of the Lenten season, the foot of the cross.
Seven Words: My God, My God
Where will despair and hope take you the next time you walk through the valley of death in the shadow of darkness?
Seven Words: Today You Will Be with Me in Paradise
If the complexity of religion overwhelms you at times and you seek a pure, scaled down depiction of what it looks like to embrace Christ, look no further than the criminal.
Seven Words
The First Sunday in Lent and Communion Sunday, Rev. Dan Bogre will begin the sermon series “Seven Words,” preaching a sermon based on Luke 23:32-38.
Stirred Not Shaken
Join us on Transfiguration Sunday. Pastor Paul is preaching from John 15:1-17 and Luke 9:28-34.
Stirred Not Shaken: Who Me?
Has there ever been a time when you think Jesus was actually focusing his anger towards you? How can we allow Jesus’ anger to shape or reshape us in our journey of faith?
Stirred Not Shaken: I love you but I don’t like you sometimes
How did Jesus deal with that emotion and how does the way he dealt with it help us deal with all of our own frustrations?
Stirred Not Shaken: Not It!
Rev. Dan Bogre will begin the sermon series “Stirred Not Shaken,” preaching a sermon based on Matthew 9:35-38.
Doubt: Faithing Your Way Through It
There is nothing worse than knowing how incredible your life can be, even knowing largely how to get there, but feeling helpless to do so.
Doubt: The Ripple Effect
What does your life and the way that you are living it say about your faith or doubt in Jesus Christ? How are the ripples of your life impacting the world around you?
Doubt: In Action vs. Inaction
Is the doubt causing you to be a person in action or a person of INACTION?
Doubt: I’m my own worst enemy
He was so close and yet so far away from the eternal life he was seeking. Have you ever been there?
Taking Christ Out of Christmas
There will just be one 10am Worship Service on Sunday, December 26 (8:30, 10:00, 11:30 services combined into one service)
Christmas Eve Service: Falling to Our Knees
Even though he comes as a baby born in a stable and lying in a manger, we are still called to arrive at that manger falling to our knees.
Light Pierces the Darkness
Maybe we’ve received the newborn Jesus as Savior or even Lord. But have we received Him as the light of our life? Have we determined to shine His light into the lives of all those around us?
Emmanuel! In the flesh!
There are times in our lives, in the midst of pain and suffering and loss, when we simply shout out, “Does anyone understand what I am going through”? God simply responds, “I do”.
I didn’t know I needed a Savior
Jesus is ready to save when we are ready to be saved. Are you ready? When we are, we will receive a peace that the world could never give.