Unlikely Heroes: It’s My Turn

Join us on October 27 as Rev. Dan Bogre preaches from Luke 9:28-36.

Today we will be celebrating All Saints Day. This is the day we celebrate all of the members of our church who have died in the last year.

We light a candle, read their name, and have a tolling of the bell for their lives. They took their turn being an unlikely hero for God, or at least we hope they did.

They were the next link in the chain of God using some of the most ordinary people to do the most extraordinary things.

In the Transfiguration text from Luke today, the disciples are witnesses to the glory of Jesus Christ on the top of that mountain as he talks with two men who have died a long time ago, Moses and Elijah.

Jesus is getting ready to endure his suffering, death and resurrection. Moses and Elijah took their turn and Jesus has equipped the disciples to be unlikely heroes. They are ready. It is their turn.

Will they step into their call? Will they be unlikely heroes? Will you?


What do we love the most?


Unlikely Heroes: What if he said, NO?