Time to Rebuild

Jumpstart Sermon Series

September 9th, 2018

Sixteenth Sunday After Pentecost.

Reverend Dan is preaching.

Nehemiah 2:11-18

When things go left unattended they almost always fall apart. It could be a home, a car, our health, or our faith. In the text today, Jerusalem has been left unattended for 141 years and the temple is just a pile of rubble and ruin. The good news is that it is not dead. There is still hope for those ruins. Our faith can be in ruins if we leave it unattended. Today we walk with Nehemiah as he begins a “Good work,” to restore the old walls of Jerusalem. It’s time to rebuild because Jerusalem needs a jumpstart. Does your faith need a jumpstart?


I Am Charged


Sermon Series - Jumpstart: September 2 - 30, 2018