Spiritual Disciplines: Solitude
In this podcast, Paul and Steven discuss the practice of solitude and spiritual, emotional, and physical benefit of it.

Spiritual Disciplines: Simplicity
In this recording, Paul and Steven talk through how Christians can reach a life of simplicity.

Spiritual Disciplines: Meditation
Paul and Steven clear up some misconceptions people have regarding meditation.

Spiritual Disciplines: Fasting
Join us for this exciting new series during the season of lent.

Interview with Quinn Bennett, the RRUMC Children’s Director
In this podcast, Quinn Bennet shares her heart and motivation for Children’s ministry. Listen to this fun conversation as Paul has the unique opportunity to interview his wife.

Interview with Olivia Stefanek, RRUMC Children's Choir Director
Interview with Olivia Stefanek, the new RRUMC Children’s Choir Director. Listen as she shares about herself, her faith walk and how she is excellent about starting a new chapter in her life at RRUMC.

Biblical Character Studies - David
Join Paul and Steven this week as they take a look into the Old Testament to its most famous king, King David.

Biblical Character Studies - Elisha
This week Paul and Steven take a look into the Old Testament prophet Elisha.

Biblical Character Studies - Abraham
Paul and Steven begin a new series by doing character sketches of some of the most influential people in the Scriptures and perhaps some you may not know much about.

Virus in Review
In his first podcast back in two weeks, Paul returns as both Steven and Paul look back at how the virus affected 2020.

Scripture Passages Reflecting on 2020
In the last podcast of the year, join Steven, RRUMC Youth Director, as he simply reads through a few passages of Scripture to help us all to reflect on this past year and to begin next year with our mind and spirit filled with the Words of God.

Christmas Special: The Feast
Join Steven Young, as he goes verse by verse breaking down one of the most glorious events found in all of Scripture.

Christmas Films: It’s a Wonderful Life
In this last podcast of a three-part series on Christmas film, Paul and Steven wrap up the series with the film It’s a Wonderful Life.

Christmas Films: The Grinch
Paul and Steven continue this Christmas film series with another classic: The Grinch.

Christmas Films: Charlie Brown’s Christmas
In this month of December, Paul and Steven have some fun looking closely and discussing several classic Christmas films. Join them for the first week as they discuss Charlie Brown’s Christmas!

All About The Story - Episode 7
In today’s interview Paul and Steven sit down with Michael Parry, a long time member of RRUMC and has volunteered in many capacities at the church.

All About The Story - Episode 6
Listening to Sheri’s faith story will undoubtedly be a strength and encouragement for anyone’s faith.

The Kingdom of God: Part 2
Paul and Steven in this series will be looking closely at specific parables that are about the Kingdom of God and how they should affect how Christians live.

The Kingdom of God: Part 1
Paul and Steven in this series will be looking closely at specific parables that are about the Kingdom of God and how they should affect how Christians live.

Help Me with My Unbelief
In a standalone message, Steven Young, the RRUMC Youth Director, walks us through Mark chapter 9:14-29.