Adjusting to life as an empty-nester is no easy task. Many people feel as if their life’s purpose and their drive have left them right along with their child’s departure.
It is a time when the support of faith family and newly forged relationships can be especially beneficial.
The purpose of the Empty Nest Group is fairly simple, to provide that support and opportunity to venture into new friendships within the context of regular Euchre nights held at RRUMC. For those who do not know how to play Euchre, instruction will gladly be provided. Both singles and couples are welcome.
When uneven numbers are present, we’ll mix in other games to keep everyone engaged while waiting their turn. The group will meet every two weeks, but people are welcome to “drop-in” when convenient with their schedule.
Light refreshments will be shared, along with laughs and a lot of fun while enjoying the game of Euchre.
There will be a "learn to play" session on Wednesday, January 15, 2025. The regular gatherings will be from 7-9pm every-other-week starting on Wednesday, January 29, 2025 and continuing until the end of March.
Please direct questions to Nina Milenius at and please email Nina if interested in playing so an email list can be created for sign ups and updates.