Cavicchi Christian Education Seminar Videos
Below are videos of the seminars from previous years.
We invite you to watch, listen, and enjoy the journey as we learn more together about religion and faith in this wild, beautiful world that we live in.
March 3, 2024
Power Purpose Love
“Power, Purpose & Love: Becoming Change-makers in Our Communities”, met on Sunday March 3, 4-7:30pm. The seminar presenter is Rev. Joy Fenton-Jones, Authorized Minister in the United Church of Christ serving two churches (DOC/UCC) in Cuyahoga Falls. Her Keynote begins at 15 minutes in the video. Staff members of Greater Cleveland Congregations led a training on relational meetings (a key organizing strategy) and gve attenders opportunities to practice with our neighbors. Ms. Keisha Krumm, Executive Director and Lead Organizer; presents this training at 46:30 in the video.The Interfaith Panel discussion with members of the community who are active in the work of community organizing, begins at 1 hour 20 in the video with Panelists: Rev. Joanna D'Agostino (UCC); Ms. Keisha Krumm (interfaith organizer; Rabbi Enid Lader;Mr. Isam Zaiem.
March 26, 2023
Faith Stories? We all have one!
“Faith Stories? We all have one!” was held Sunday March 26, 4-7:30pm. The seminar presenter was Rev. Cindy Patterson, Administrative Coordinator, Board of Ministry, East Ohio Conference of the United Methodist Church. Our faith is enlightened when we bump up against those whose journey has been different from ours. Presentation about the gifts of nonjudgmental hearing and sharing of faith stories. Panelists Pastor Brett Bartels, Heart 4 the City, Akron, Rev. Gerald Cameron, Celebration United Methodist, Euclid, Rabbi Enid Lader, Beth Israel-The West Temple, Cleveland, and Valerie Riedthaler, First UMC, Cuyahoga Falls, shared their faith stories. Rev. Dan Bogre and Pastor Paul Bennett, of RRUMC, shared faith stories and reflections. Attenders participated in a facilitated discussion group, listening to each other’s faith stories. Discussion questions are provided in the seminar video recording.
March 20, 2022
I Want to Understand You
All are invited to the virtual seminar, “I Want to Understand You”, on Sunday March 20, 2-4pm. Take a break from today’s environment of divisiveness. Learn to use dialogue to mutually understand each other, even while differing. The presenter is Prof. Mark Chupp, Jack Joseph and Morton Mandel School of Applied Social Sciences of Case Western Reserve University andFounding Director of the Community Innovation Network. Prof. Chupp will introduce a framework for dialogue on divisive issues. As an example we will use this framework to engage others with differing positions. The first breakout room exercise is on the Brown – Steelers Football Fans- introduced by Rev. Dan Bogre and Pastor Paul Bennett of RRUMC. The second breakout room activity is on the more serious issue of unions from a teaching and a school administration perspective. Introducing that issue are Amy Butcher, representative of Teachers’ Union at Westlake Public Schools, and Dr. Scott Goggin, Superintendent, Westlake Public Schools. The video provides instructions for using this framework in small safe Zoom breakout groups with a facilitator, to express your personal experiences and perspectives concerning unions, teaching and administration while seeking to understand each other’s perspectives, and reflect and learn. This program is the annual Mary Anne & Richard Cavicchi Christian Education Seminar at Rocky River United Methodist Church. Questions: contact: cavicchichristianed@gmail.com
March 7, 2021
Learnings from the Pandemic: Health Care & Racial Inequities
Presented by Will Jones, Director of Multicultural Vitality for the East Ohio Conference of United Methodist Church and Nazleen Bharmal, MD, PhD, MPP – Associate Chief, Community Health & Partnerships, Cleveland Clinic Community Care.
March 8, 2020
Faith, Women, and Leadership: An Interfaith Dialogue
All are welcome as we discuss Faith, Women, and Leadership: An Interfaith Dialogue with speakers Bishop Tracy Malone - East Ohio Conference of the United Methodist Church, Professor Gina Messina - Associate Professor of Religious Studies, and Ursuline College Professor Ellen Posman - Chair of Religion, Associate Professor, Baldwin Wallace University.
April 7, 2019
Three Faiths, One Spirit, Deepening Shared Values
An interfaith dialogue with Dr. Alan Kolp, Faith and Life Professor at Baldwin Wallace University; Rabbi Enid Lader, Beth Israel - The West Temple, Cleveland; and Dr. Carl Sharif El-Tobgui, Professor of Arabic and Islamic Studies at Brandeis University.
April 22, 2018
Finding Our Stories in Abraham's Journey
Presented By: Rabbi Enid Lader - Rabbi of Beth-Israel-The West Temple on Triskett Road in Cleveland, Ohio. Rabbi Enid Lader has bee the rabbi at The West Temple since August 2012 and very active in interfaith outreach to the west side communities. Join us for her four part presentation as we learn together about Abraham Journey and our connection to it.
April 30, 2017
Getting to Know Our Muslim Neighbors: An Introduction to Islamic Beliefs & Practices
In this video, Dr. Carl Sharif El Togbui begins by addressing the historical background of the rise of Islam and the life of the Prophet Muhammed. He then will speak on the nature and place of the Qur'an in Islam. He goes on to describe the basic beliefs and practices through an exploartion of Islamic theology, law, and spirituality, and he will finish by addressing Islam's relationship to other religions in the world.
May 1, 2016
On Being Spiritually Reflective: A Journey of Discovery! With A Chance to Build Theology From the Ground Up
Presented By: Dr. Alan Kolp - Faith and Life Professor at Baldwin Wallace University
By our affiliation with the United Methodist Church, we inherit a significant group of doctrines. But we may not appreciate how doctrine came to be nor how we come to have the personal theology we have. This seminar will actively engage us in our own experience and trace the theology that arises from experience. Our personal theology may not be doctrine, but it is the seed of doctrine.
March 22, 2015
The Story of a Damned Angel
Presented By: Mark Collier - Former President of Baldwin Wallace University (1995 - 2006)
May 3, 2014
The Hospitality of Abundant Life
Presenter: Dr. Jennifer Herdt, Gilbert L. Stark Professor of Christian Ethics and Associate Dean for Academic Affairs at Yale Divinity School, New Haven, CT.