Youth Ministries
Youth Ministry rachel pelaia Youth Ministry rachel pelaia

Youth Ministries

I'm excited to invite parents to a first of its kind seminar called “Tech-Wise Family.” This event is designed to provide insights and guidance on navigating the challenges and opportunities that technology presents in our daily lives and those of our children.

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Endowment Ministry
Newsletter rachel pelaia Newsletter rachel pelaia

Endowment Ministry

The endowment of Rocky River United Methodist Church is an investment fund established by the initial gift from Theo and Belle Moll. The fund has grown through both diligent fiscal management and the generosity of church members and friends who have given to the endowment.

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Reflections By Rev. Dan Bogre
Reflections rachel pelaia Reflections rachel pelaia

Reflections By Rev. Dan Bogre

This year, Paul and I want you to think of something else as you walk through your Lenten season. Even though we are already into the season, it is not too late to give it a try. Instead of just giving something up, how about PICKING SOMETHING UP? How about picking up a time of prayer, fasting, committing to weekly church attendance, making sure you take communion, and other practices of faith. Is there one of those that you can pick up instead of just dropping something else?

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Nursery School News
Nursery School rachel pelaia Nursery School rachel pelaia

Nursery School News

February will bring lots of groundhog and Valentine’s Day crafts and special little parties which the kids love. PreK will welcome special guests in the middle of the month for Special Person’s Day. Pre 3s will soon start to have guest readers visit the classroom again and March will be here before we know it!

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Greetings from Twice Blessed Free and Story Church!
rachel pelaia rachel pelaia

Greetings from Twice Blessed Free and Story Church!

As I sit and think about how blessed we’ve been, I think about our children’s Christmas party and the over 175 smiling faces in attendance. We distributed over 180 toys and blessed the lives of so many children on that beautiful Saturday in December.

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