Lent Study: The Last Supper on the Moon
In this Bible study, bestselling author and pastor Levi Lusko journeys back in time, and forward in hope, using the 1969 lunar mission as an analogy of God's mission of salvation.

Children's Ministries
Join us at Story Church as we make Easter baskets for our Twice Blessed Free Store families!

Youth Ministries
Join us for a Cleveland Monsters game and thank you to our incredible volunteers!

Nursery School News
Registration is open for the 2023-2024 school year. We have openings in several of our classrooms. Please help us to spread the word!

Defining Your Legacy
First, WHAT impact will any future philanthropic gifts mean to your legacy and which organizations can best support that goal?

Reflections By Rev. Dan Bogre
Paul says in Ephesians 1:15-16, “I have heard of your faith in the Lord Jesus and your love towards all the saints, and for this reason I do not cease to give thanks for you as I remember you in my prayers.”

Circuit Rider – February 2023
Our Circuit Rider is our way of sharing all of the news and events that are going on in our church community!

Twice Blessed Free Store and Story Church
Our Sanctuary has been beautifully transformed over the last few months!

LGBTQ+ and Mental Health
The LGBTQA+ Support Group at RRUMC meets on the fourth Thursday and alternates in-person in the choir room and a Zoom session. Contact Mark Brandt at 216.288.2266 or Rev. Laurie Bruce 479.595.9229 for more info.

Twice Blessed Free Store and Story Church
Our next donation drive for Twice Blessed Free Store is going to be from January 22 through February 5.

Mary Anne and Richard Cavicchi Christian Education Seminar
Our faith is enlightened when we bump up against those whose journey has been different from ours.

Nourish Meal Ministry
Are you aware of someone from our church family that is going through an especially difficult time right now such as an illness, hospitalization, moving, or loss of a loved one?

Reflections By Rev. Dan Bogre
If you have been on the fence about coming back, now is the time. There is a rising wave of faith and joy and celebration as our church sees our folks coming home to church to worship God with prayer, song, sermon, gathering, giving, and so much more.

Ladies in Faith Together Bible Study: "Fierce" by Jennifer Cowart
The bold message behind Jen Cowart’s study, “Fierce” is that the faithfulness of ordinary women can change the world.

Circuit Rider – January 2023
Our Circuit Rider is our way of sharing all of the news and events that are going on in our church community!

New Wednesday Morning Bible Study: "Isaiah" by Melissa Spoelstra
In January, the Wednesday Morning Bible Study will study “Isaiah” by Melissa Spoelstra, and will come to understand that following God isn’t about striving; it’s about trusting God more. Please join us!