I pray that God is about to do a new thing in you in 2025. I pray that, with each passing day, what John the Baptist said in the Gospel of John 3:30, “He must become greater; I must become less,” becomes the very way that God is about to do a new thing in you and in me.
Reflections by Rev. Dan Bogre
Reflections By Rev. Dan Bogre
Consecration Sunday is on November 10. Please join us for worship on November 10, either at the 8:30am Chapel Service or at the 10:00am combined Harbor/Sanctuary Service. It is at those two services that we will all have the opportunity to bring forward our “Estimate of Giving” cards that will have the financial number that God has placed on each of our hearts following our prayerful conversations with God about what He is calling us to give to the mission and ministries of RRUMC in 2025.
Reflections By Rev. Dan Bogre
Reflections By Rev. Dan Bogre
In Romans 8:28, Paul says “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.” I watched God work for good in the midst of a very difficult time for many people. It has reminded me to not only be aware that God brings the most incredible miracles out of difficult situations, but to search for the miracles in those situations.
Reflections By Rev. Dan Bogre
RRUMC, you are my family. Thank you for carrying me for the last 13 years. I hope we have many more years together as we love each other into our mission: “It’s all about the story. We exist to help people meet Jesus Christ in the midst of their story.” Thank you for being such a blessing in my story. I love you, church.
Reflections By Rev. Dan Bogre
Reflections By Rev. Dan Bogre
Pastors Ponderings
Reflections By Rev. Dan Bogre
Reflections By Rev. Dan Bogre
This year, Paul and I want you to think of something else as you walk through your Lenten season. Even though we are already into the season, it is not too late to give it a try. Instead of just giving something up, how about PICKING SOMETHING UP? How about picking up a time of prayer, fasting, committing to weekly church attendance, making sure you take communion, and other practices of faith. Is there one of those that you can pick up instead of just dropping something else?
Reflections By Rev. Dan Bogre
I invite you to imagine yourself standing under the falls of God’s grace upon grace. Picture yourself being washed over and drenched in the grace that God has for you. That is what he did at Christmas. Sending His Son was to let us know that his grace will forever flow into our lives if we will just choose to stand under it and welcome it.
Reflections By Rev. Dan Bogre
I love Jesus Christ more than anything in the world and I want to thank all of you for allowing me to live out that relationship as your pastor here at RRUMC. I look at 2024 through the lens of 2023 and that brings me joy, excitement, wonder, and hopeful anticipation of what God is going to do in this new year.
Reflections By Rev. Dan Bogre
Reflections By Rev. Dan Bogre
I wanted to start this Circuit Rider article with a quote from Genesis 12:1-2 which says, “The Lord had said to Abram, ‘Go from your country, your people and your father’s household to the land I will show you. I will make you into a great nation, and I will bless you; I will make your name great, and you will be a blessing.’”
Reflections By Rev. Dan Bogre
We will never stop working to make sure that both of our campuses are not just one day a week churches. It is not about being busy, it is about being called. As people feel called and led by God to study the Bible, volunteer in our ministries, come to church on Sunday, give generously, pray fervently, and love exponentially, our church will always be growing into the church that God has always created us to be-a church helping people meet Jesus Christ in the midst of their story.
Reflections By Rev. Dan Bogre
Reflections By Rev. Dan Bogre
As I was taking the picture of the scaffolding, I was led to a text from 2 Corinthians 5:16-17, where Paul says, “So from now on we regard no one from a worldly point of view. Though we once regarded Christ in this way, we do so no longer. Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come; the old has gone, the new is here!”
Reflections By Rev. Dan Bogre
Reflections By Rev. Dan Bogre
At RRUMC, we want to make sure that through June, July, and August we are still becoming all things to all people by all means so that we might save some. In fact, those ministries that are active throughout the summer are not available any other time of the year so that we might actually reach different people than we might already be reaching.