Ash Wednesday
Please plan to join us on Ash Wednesday for our 7:00pm service in Beacon Hall. The service will include the imposition of ashes and communion. The service will also be livestreamed.
Ash Wednesday Service in Beacon Hall
Communion will be celebrated and there will also be the imposition of ashes to begin our Lenten journey which will take us all the way to the empty tomb of Easter Sunday Morning.
Christmas Morning Service
Everyone is invited to worship in one combined service on Christmas morning!
Easter Sunday Services
Celebrate the resurrection of Jesus at our three worship services!
Easter Sunrise Service
Gather and worship on the “Solstice Steps” at Lakewood Park along the waterfront.
Maundy Thursday
Join us for this powerful Tenebrae Service (Service of the Shadows) with communion.
Ash Wednesday Service
Join us on Ash Wednesday for our 7pm service in Beacon Hall. The service will include the imposition of ashes and communion.
Easter Sunday Services
We are excited to share that there will be an additional option provided for Easter Sunday worship this year, in effort to accommodate the unique needs of the people of RRUMC as we operate within the COVID pandemic in diverse ways.
Maundy Thursday
Tenebrae Service (Service of the Shadows) with communion. In-person and live-streamed.
Ash Wednesday Parking Lot Worship Service
Begin the season of Lent with us and join us for our parking lot worship on Ash Wednesday!
Family Service
All of the children will enjoy this wonderful service proclaiming the birth of Jesus!
Traditional Candlelight Service
Experience the power of Christmas Eve worship from home.
Christmas Eve Services - UPDATED
We invite you to celebrate the birth of Christ with our streaming and parking lot services!
Harbor Service
All are welcome to experience the power of Jesus and stream our Harbor service live.
Harbor Service
All are welcome to experience the power of Jesus and stream our Harbor service live.
Harbor Service
Whether it’s your first time or your 100th, all are welcome to experience the power of Jesus at our contemporary service.
Consecration Sunday: Dedicated, Devoted, Sacred
All are invited to this powerful Sunday where we join in fellowship together and experience the Holy Spirit moving in our midst through giving.
Celebrate Chris Burns
RRUMC will celebrate Chris Burns, Contemporary Worship Leader, as he moves on to new adventures!
Good Friday Reflection, Meditation & Communion
You are invited to come to our Chapel for one minute or for the entire four hours to pray, reflect and meditate on the crucifixion of Jesus Christ.
Maundy Thursday Tenebrae Service
Join us in the Sanctuary as Pastor Paul Bennett preaches from John 13:1-17, 34-35 with the sermon title “Take Up Your Towel.”
Palm Sunday Brunch
We hope you will join us for the Palm processional at all three services followed by our Palm Sunday Brunch from 9am-12pm in Wesley Hall!
Cantata and Membership Sunday
We celebrate new members of RRUMC today on Membership Sunday.