Advent Study at The Normandy

Experiencing Christmas: Christ in the Sights and Sounds of Christmas

The Discipleship Committee is extremely excited to announce that, beginning Monday, November 27, from 1:00-2:00pm, Suzanne Owens will be leading a 4-week Advent study at The Normandy Senior Living Center.

The study by Matt Rawle, Experiencing Christmas: Christ in the Sights and Sounds of Advent, challenges us to look for the signs this Advent and Christmas season that point us to the divine.

The Normandy is welcoming any and all RRUMC folks to share in this beautiful study that will help us discover how everything changed when God was born.

Participating in this study will not only enrich your worship and wonder this Advent season, but you will be a faith connection for our most treasured seniors.

Suzanne Owens, Ph.D. who will facilitate this study, is Professor Emerita of Arts and Humanities, Lorain County Community College, where she served on the English and Art History faculties from 1991 until retirement in 2019. She and her family are long-time members of RRUMC and she currently sings in our Chancel Choir.

Facilitating this Advent study is especially meaningful for Suzanne as her mother Eloise Owens was a resident of The Normandy from 2003-2005.

Registration for this Advent study option is Sunday mornings, November 12, 19, and 26.

Sign-up below or via the church office ( or 440.331.7676). Participants will need to obtain their own book.


Children's Ministries


Reflections By Rev. Dan Bogre